Unlocking Wisdom: A Journey Beyond Knowledge

Have you ever considered the hidden power behind numbers? At first glance, digits like 4, 67, and 121 may seem arbitrary and devoid of meaning. Yet, with a simple addition of units—4m, 37.2°C, 98%, and 42 mph—these numbers spring to life, transforming into powerful tools of insight. Consider this: a temperature of 37.2°C, accompanied by […]

Unlocking the Secrets of Fractions (3): The Key Takeaway for 3-5 grade Math teachers

Building upon the insights shared in my previous two articles about fractions: Definition & Representations and A Balanced Approach, this third piece will provide key takeaways specifically for 3-5 grade math teachers. Focusing on the essential aspects of teaching fractions, I will emphasize the importance of promoting a deep and conceptual understanding of this math concept. To help […]

Unlocking the Secrets of Fractions (2): A Balanced Approach

Teaching fractions can be challenging for students, particularly when it comes to performing operations with them. In my previous article titled “Unlocking the Secrets of Fractions (1): Definition & Representations” , I discussed the three main reasons why fractions can be difficult to understand. In this article, we will examine the significance of utilizing a balanced approach […]